Save Big with a Membership or Bulk Booking Bucks!
If you haven’t been in to play before, please head to the Play Page to find information about our Play Space before your first visit.
Save Big
Save Big
Unlimited Play Membership
Unlimited signups for Open Play & Character Meet & Greets! 1 child $60
Member benefits:
HUGE sibling discounts! Only $20 additional for 1 sibling. $15 more for each additional sibling.
Unlimited play sessions available to book each week. Enjoy priority booking on a member only calendar.
Members have no end time for play bookings, stay all day!
Take $50 off birthday parties. Must be a member for 3 consecutive months to qualify.
Terms & Conditions:
Memberships are associated with a specific child(ren), sign up for your your membership family size, the fill out our form to complete your enrollment.
Enrollment fee: $15
Recurring payment on the day of the month that you start your membership
Need to cancel? No problem! Just email us at least 1 week before your upcoming recurring payment date. Re-enrollment after canceling is $15
Using your membership for other children is prohibited and can result in the termination of your membership. Any adult is welcome to accompany each child.
Email us if you are looking for a membership for 4+ children
Bulk Booking Books
Bulk booking bucks are perfect for seasonal or infrequent players, as they do not expire each month. This is also a great option for families with multiple kids, you can use one bulk buck purchase for multiple kids. Bulk bucks can be used for booking any play session or event on our website.
Pay $140, get $170 in Bulk Bucks (equals 10 plays at $14 per play)
Pay $260, get $340 in Bulk Bucks (equals 20 plays at $13 per play)
Terms & Conditions:
Bulk passes can also be used for Special Events, Classes or Preschool Play.
Bulk passes work for multiple kids! When booking, select the quantity of kids, then choose date & time and you will get the bulk pricing
No recurring payment, purchase another bulk pass when needed.
Preschool Play Membership
For Preschool Play membership, sign up for a session here and start your membership that day using your class payment toward your first month (based on availability, call ahead to inquire about member openings)